sexta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2011

The fear

I had a good job,

A decent car,

A place to live,

Money, friends,

A nice girl,

But then I threw it all


I ran from it,

I got scared.

I saw all my old friends

Getting married,

Having children…

Holy shit,

They are having children!

When did we get so old?

I saw all this sad smiles

While they were pushing

The baby stroller.

I noticed a shy light

When they start to get

Drunk and sincere.

They were tamed

And that scared

The hell out of me.

I ran from it all,

I ran away, I stop caring,

Just walking without a direction,

Just living as I always did,

But the years keep passing by,

I can´t stop getting old at all,

I can´t really run from it…

Can I?


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